I would like to welcome you to the IDENTIFY studio website, which explains everything we offer relating to your interior design needs.

My name is Tomáš Jedlička and I would like to introduce myself and briefly explain my experience with interior design.

But please let me start by quoting my favorite graphic designer: “Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.”.

- Paul Rand -    


Already at high school I realized that I would like to create something to leave a legacy behind me. At first I thought I should focus on building projects but after countless successful University entry exams I decided to take the right path for me: Design.

Studying at Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic) was a great help to my personal and professional development and it created the enthusiasm for interior design that I still have today. At the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology I had the chance to meet very interesting people to whom I would like to thank for their patience, the inspiration they gave me and their encouraging speeches regarding space creation issues. I would also like to thank my professors at the Technology and Education Institute of Larissa (Greece), especially to those in Karditsa's branch.

Finally I have the feeling I am doing something worthwhile. I am delighted when I can create something new out of nothing and hand it to a satisfied client. It is always good to persevere in what gives you joy! My path of creativity all started at University, and I would love to continue down this path.


As of now I always try to fully understand the interior and design situation in order to turn and modulate it in such way we can create an entirely functional space which will serve for the user's living needs. I enjoy every time I am able to improve a client's daily life.

It is important to do things right! At times I have the feeling the market is overcrowded with mediocre work and incomplete information so we can sum up our philosophy the following way: take a good deep breath, measure things twice and do the right thing first.

- Tomáš Jedlička -